Monday, November 30, 2009

IRON-MAN Cozumel 2009

History has been written, Cozumel witness the first IRON-MAN ever celebrated in Mexico. More than 2000 athletes from around the world participated on this event. After a swim of 2.4 miles, a bike run of 112 miles, and a marathon run of 26.2 miles the IRON-MAN Cozumel 2009 concluded.

BEKE, RUTGER from Belgium was the winner with a time of 8hrs. 18 minutes, and 40 seconds. Let me mention that the Mexican athletes where among the top ten on this competition. ALLAN, VILLANUEVA from Mexico came on 7th place, with a time of 9hrs. 1minute, and 10 seconds.

Congratulations Cozumel for a well organized event.

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